Carole Kulikowski
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The paintings Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1940’s Action Painting,
Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1910’s Cubism,
Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1930’s Surrealism,
Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1960’s Op/Pop,
Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1980’s Neo-Expressionism
are part of  a series of  ten oil paintings called Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements.  They are 3 feet by 5 feet.
The paintings depict women in each of the decades of the twentieth century dressed in the fashion of the decade.  The clothes also represent the art movement fashionable for the decade.  The idea being – women’s fashions may go out of fashion.  Art movements may go out of fashion. But woman as icon does not go out of fashion.
The other paintings in the series are:
Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1900’s Fauvism
Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1920’s Constructivism
Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1950’s Color Field Painting
Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1970’s Minimalism
Fashionable Twentieth Century Movements: 1990’s Multiculturalism
Munch Scream Lipstick is a 24” x 36” oil painting.  It is part of a series of 3 paintings dealing with make-up that uses famous images. 
The other paintings in the Make Up Series are:
Bunuel Andalou Mascara
David Rape Hair Dye
True Love and I Can Buy Anything I Want are 24″ x 36″ oil paintings.  They are part of series 4 paintings called
Men and Love.   The other paintings are:
Mid-Life Crisis
Forever Hopeful
Rape/Yugoslavia is a 24” x 36” oil painting
Man’s Worst Nightmare is a 24” x 36” oil painting 

Carole Kulikowski